Helpful Information
RESTAURANTS AND SHOPPING: The stores, the vendors on the beach, the restaurants, the tour guides, the casa managers, the fishermen, the internet café, and the local artists are family businesses that depend on tourism for a living. People are eager to help and appreciate your tips, but are gracious if you prefer to do it yourself. Many do speak English, but also appreciate your efforts to speak Spanish and will help if you wish. There are many restaurants (although only a few are open year round). The food is delicious, fresh, safe, and inexpensive, but it is best to drink bottled water! Compared to restaurant prices in the States, you will be pleasantly surprised by the reasonable cost of meals.
The local FREE MEDICAL CLINIC provides reasonable care by a qualified doctor who will treat most minor problems – and are grateful for your donation! There is a small pharmacy in town.
GROCERY STORES in Yelapa are small family businesses and while they stock fresh fruits and vegetables, ice, frozen meats, and familiar sodas, bottled water, beers, alcoholic beverages, and household products – the majority of canned and packaged foods are Mexican, though you may recognize a few as American standards with different labeling. There is a small grocery across from El Manguito, a short walk from the casa and several others within a 10 to 20 minute stroll – at the beach and in the pueblo (village). Ask for meats, beer, and other items which are stored in the back room.
Casa Irene has access to the INTERNET. Internet cafes are located around town, and free wi-fi is available at some restaurants including El Manguito.
"Pie Lady". YUM!

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